April Update
Easter Event!
For the month of April we are running a special Easter themed event. Every 6Mans match you play you will have a chance at collecting an egg, and the top 3 players on the Basic and Premium egg leaderboards at the end of the month will receive prizes.
The player that collects the most eggs will receive a unique title! There are also 10 Easter themed titles you can collect along the way.
Lastly, every player that collects at least 30 eggs by the end of the event will automatically go into the draw for a 100 key giveaway!
More details:
Playing 6Mans in your rank:
- 100% chance of an egg per win
- 20% chance of an egg per loss (80% with premium)
- 50% chance of an egg per win
- 10% chance of an egg per loss (40% with premium)
Click here and purchase Premium before April 20th to be eligible for the Premium Event Prizes!
- Top 3 prizes (non-premium users)
- 1st - $100 + 1 month of Premium
- 2nd - $75 + 1 month of Premium
- 3rd - $50 + 1 month of Premium
- Top 3 prizes (premium users)
- 1st - $350
- 2nd - $250
- 3rd - $150
- 100 key giveaway
- Collect 30 eggs during the event to be automatically entered into the giveaway
- Premium leaderboard eligibility
- You have purchased a new Premium subscription between March 20th 12pm UTC and April 20th 12pm UTC
- You have an existing Premium subscription that will be renewed between March 20th 12pm UTC and April 20th 12pm UTC
- NOTE: If you have a cancelled subscription ending between the above dates you will lose Premium eligibility when your subscription expires and you will need to purchase a new subscription before April 20th 12pm UTC to maintain eligibility
- Your eligibility will be displayed on your account. You can purchase Premium at any time up until April 20th 12pm UTC to be considered for the Premium leaderboard.
- You can view your total number of eggs on your profile and account pages
- You will be messaged by the bot after a match has been reported if you collected an egg for that match
- Event link https://www.rl6mans.com/easter-event-2019
Platform Updates
Changes that affect every region
Winstreak bonus
Starting at 3 wins in a row, all players will now receive a winstreak ELO bonus based on their current winstreak. Currently, this is simply an extra (winstreak - 1) points added to your normal elo gain. For example, someone with a winstreak of 3 will earn 2 extra ELO for their last match, and a player with a winstreak of 10 will earn 9 extra ELO for their last match. If you were awarded a winstreak bonus for your last match this will be shown in the +/- column of the leaderboards.
Profile Links
The bot will now link directly to rl6mans profiles in all queue related commands, rather than mentioning each user within the embed.