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Metallix - Match History

ID Finished Players Rank Region Type ELO
86 2M agoMetallixnot_crispinHyperKnightDomin8tor C NA random -22
70 8M agodumbassMetallixBonkersavenga C NA random 17
68 8M agoEL_Snow213MetallixIcyWithIcedumbass C NA random -24
67 8M agoMetallixIcyWithIceEL_Snow213dumbass C NA random 18
66 8M agoEL_Snow213dumbassIcyWithIceMetallix C NA random -23
64 8M agoMetallixZero_DreamsB3astMode20034H7dr9 C NA random -20
53 11M agoSinnupEL_Snow213FuseMetallix C NA random 19
49 1y agochickennMetallixB3astMode20034Fuse C NA random 17
48 1y agoB3astMode20034FuseMetallixchickenn C NA random 19