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Live 4Mans Leaderboards

NA - Rank C

Rank Name Wins Losses Total Played Winrate Streak ELO +/-
1 B3astMode20034 8 3 11 73%  +3 1529 16 (+1)
2 Granular 2 0 2 100% - 1469 15
3 HyperKnight 1 0 1 100% - 1467 17
4 Riotyy 1 0 1 100% - 1466 16
5 Speeze 1 0 1 100% - 1466 16
6 H7dr9 1 0 1 100% - 1466 16
7 chickenn 4 1 5 80%  +3 1462 17 (+1)
8 octopusrl 1 0 1 100% - 1445 17
9 dumbass 4 2 6 67% - 1434 16
10 joedan 1 0 1 100% - 1433 17
11 Lamp 1 0 1 100% - 1430 18
12 GLFRSpooky 0 1 1 0% - 1430 -20
13 Alexx 0 1 1 0% - 1430 -20
14 ichigo 1 0 1 100% - 1430 18
15 Domin8tor 1 0 1 100% - 1429 17
16 Valor 1 0 1 100% - 1429 17
17 kyceli 0 1 1 0% - 1428 -22
18 Silvose 0 1 1 0% - 1428 -22
19 Bequit0 1 0 1 100% - 1428 16
20 IcyWithIce 2 1 3 67% - 1425 18
21 Metallix 5 4 9 56% - 1413 -22
22 trf_volt 0 1 1 0% - 1409 -19
23 Kjoe 0 1 1 0% - 1408 -20
24 vibxz 1 1 2 50% - 1407 18
25 AlphaAffect 0 1 1 0% - 1406 -22
26 Sinnup 0 1 1 0% - 1404 -24
27 prxyz 0 1 1 0% - 1393 -19
28 EL_Snow213 2 4 6 33% - 1392 -20
29 blossuhm 0 1 1 0% - 1392 -20
30 not_crispin 0 1 1 0% - 1390 -22
31 Bonkers 0 1 1 0% - 1390 -22
32 Devils_King 0 1 1 0% - 1390 -22
33 avenga 0 1 1 0% - 1390 -22
34 Braiden2911 1 2 3 33% - 1389 -19
35 evad3 0 1 1 0% - 1388 -24
36 RemovedCave4277 0 1 1 0% - 1388 -22
37 stxzzi 1 2 3 33% - 1385 -19
38 Fuse 1 2 3 33% - 1382 18
39 BasicRhino 0 3 3 0%  -3 1360 -20
40 Zero_Dreams 0 1 1 0% - 1358 -20
ID Finished Won Predicted Lost Type
86 2M agoHyperKnightDomin8tor51%49%Metallixnot_crispin random
74 7M agoB3astMode20034dumbass55%45%AlexxEL_Snow213 random
72 7M agoB3astMode20034EL_Snow21350%50%dumbassSilvose random
70 8M agodumbassMetallix51%49%Bonkersavenga random
68 8M agoIcyWithIcedumbass46%54%EL_Snow213Metallix random
67 8M agoMetallixIcyWithIce46%54%EL_Snow213dumbass random
66 8M agoEL_Snow213dumbass48%52%IcyWithIceMetallix random
64 8M agoB3astMode20034H7dr956%44%MetallixZero_Dreams random
53 11M agoFuseMetallix45%55%SinnupEL_Snow213 random
49 1y agochickennMetallix49%51%B3astMode20034Fuse random